Christmas 2023
We believe that everyone is entitled to have enough food to eat, every day and at Christmas.
It can be a very worrying time for families, so we need to your help to support those
who live in our local community.
Can your family, office or group,
sponsor a family this Christmas?
We would like to provide Christmas dinner boxes to those in need, but we need your help! Each box costs £66 and includes a joint of meat, vegetables, Christmas treats and a family game.
Click JustGiving to make a financial donation
or contact us via email us to discuss how you can get involved. Sponsor a box, purchase items, or have a fundraiser.
Our reverse advent calendar is a fun way to collect our most needed foodbank items over a month. Take on the challenge as a family, a class or a workplace, taking it in turns to add an item to the box. Then bring in your donation to our office when you’ve finished.
Visit our office to collect a copy or print your own using the link below. This year we also have a colour in version available.
Are you getting new lights or decorations this year?
We would love to help give a little sparkle to our clients. Do you have any shiny baubles, twinkly lights or even a spare Christmas tree?
We are looking for donations of Christmas decorations, please drop any decorations at our office in Tiverton.
Christmas Cards
Make a donation instead of buying Christmas cards.
Not only support our community, but the environment too
and cut down on postage costs!
Want to share with your family and friends that you've made a donation, download a "I've Donated" graphic to share on your socials. Everyone who makes a donation over Christmas will be mentioned on our Festive Supporter page on the website.