Donate Items
Without your generous donations our Foodbank, Pantry and Homebank could not help so many people.
Our storage is limited so at times we may not have space for certain items so please call before if you can.
Can you help us with foodbank and pantry?
Long-life Milk
Tinned Pies/Meat *
Tinned Chilli/Curry *
Tinned Fruit/Vegetables
Tinned Beans and Sausages
Custard/Rice Pudding
Pot noodles and 'kettle meals'​
* items we are usually short of
Our stocks of soup, beans, pasta and rice are healthy at the moment
Toilet Rolls
Washing Up Liquid
Shampoo/Shower Gel
Mens Deodorant *
Deodrant for women
Cleaning Sprays​
Our stocks of sanitary towels and tampons are healthy at the monment.
​Make sure you follow our Facebook page for our most needed items.
Download the free BanktheFood app and it will
give your phone a helpful ping when you arrive at
a local drop off point. The app is linked to our
foodbank and knows real time needs.
​We are unable to give out homemade food and ask that all donations are in date and unopened.
If you are a food supplier or retailer interested in donating surplus food please contact us here

What do we need in the Homebank?
Household ​
Bed linen
Tents - small
Sleeping bags
Roll mats
Kitchen utensils
Saucepans and frying pans
Kettles and toasters
Microwaves and small worktop cookers
If you have a working washing machine, fridge or freezer please contact us. We have very limited storage for these items but they are invaluable to those that need them
Our values include dignity and respect and so we only pass on to our clients things that are clean and not broken. All electricals are PAT tested so please make sure they are in working order or it costs us to dispose of them.
Unfortunately we do not have any storage space for clothes, furniture or many??? items. These organisations all help our clients with these items , ??????
Link to amazon wish list too?
Links here for Uplift Devon, ReFURNISH and Turntable.
Want to be kept up to date with the Foodbank's needs but don't use social media or don't have a smart phone?
Sign up today for a monthly email letting you know our real time needs.